Let’s just tell it like it is. This winter was HARD. And we are all sick of this pandemic. And there’s a vaccine now — three of them actually. And while it’s been happening in fits and starts and very unevenly, it looks like we might actually get to the other side of this thing.
If there was ever a moment where everything seemed ready to bust loose, it’s now.
Ostara is really about that feeling. That moment when all of the beautiful green things, all the life that has been hibernating, that has been preparing, begins to burst forth and shout “Here I am!” After a long winter of social distancing, of waiting for a vaccine, of loss and privation and death, we’re all sensing it might be time soon to emerge from our homes, from behind our masks, and be out and about in the world.
And it’s not happening all at once either. For as many folks as have both shots of a vaccine, there are others who are struggling to get an appointment, or their state hasn’t reached their category of eligibility yet. There are people who are frustrated.
And as joyful as it is to think about, it’s scary. Will I really remember how to be around people again? Will people notice I have gained weight? WiIl they notice that my hair is a little grayer? Are the people I love going to be as changed by this experience as I have been? Will I ever…