To undertake the mantle of being a witch is to make yourself a student of the Universe and how it works. And whether you practice as a solitary or as part of a coven or other group, you will have many teachers. And no matter how much you know, or how badass a witch you become, you will always be learning from someone or something in your life.
Some of those teachers will be actual human individuals that you make a formal agreement to learn from, and may or may not involve the taking of oaths. Some teachers may be more transient — people that you take a workshop from at a pagan gathering, or who you talk to once in a while when you have a particular question about a particular thing. Some teachers you will never meet, but will influence you through a book you read or a podcast. Often, though you may be in the role of teacher, your student may wind up teaching you a thing or three.
Sometimes the teacher the universe presents you with teaches by negative example, showing you the way by demonstrating the behavior you DON’T want to emulate. Sometimes you will teach yourself with bitter experience. (This is why I often say that anything that passes for wisdom with me is likely the product of surviving my own stupidity.)
To undertake the role of teacher in the Craft is no small thing. It is to place yourself at the Crossroads in someone’s Path. And…