I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but the Terminator franchise is in no way feminist. IN the first movie, Sarah Connor is treated like a McGuffin, the object that all the other characters pursue, and her sole reason for importance is literally as a vessel for a male savior. In Terminator 2, not only is Hamilton relegated to be being under the title, but in the entire movie, where there is not really ANY other female character of note who has more than 3 lines at all, Sarah Connor is constantly depicted as totally insane and even she herself says that she "doesn't matter" and it's all about her son, who serves as her moral compass. Cameron is the king of creating women who are badasses but who exist on power tropes borrowed from men and the wearing of them renders the woman undesirable and even crazy. That's not empowering women. That's throwing them a bone and expecting them to be grateful.