I’ve talked about the expansive, wild energy of Beltane before. We are in a place where the energy of the planet is seeking, yearning, building a groove. And here we are as humans — afraid, constrained, shut behind closed doors, wearing masks and social distancing.
It’s not a big surprise then that people are feeling restless and wanting to see restrictions lifted, and feel a deep unease. Going against the grain of the very energy of the planet is psychically disturbing.
Make no mistake — social distancing and obeying stay at home orders is the right thing to do right now. COVID-19 is no joke, and there is no treatment, no cure and no vaccine. We owe it to our communities to be vigilant about quarantining and social distancing.
And with Beltane it seems particularly disappointing because Beltane energy is connective — it is designed to be experienced with other people. It’s why so much of Beltane lore is centered around sexuality. The energy we raise at this time is not meant to be experienced in a solitary way. We are meant to be connected to each other at this time. The spirit of more, more, more that is embodied in this holiday lends itself to groups and sociability and especially to touch. The very things that we’re supposed to be staying away from right now.